WELL is changing the way you go to the Doctor

Healthcare Delivered. WELL

What if you could book healthcare as easily as you can book a vacation home? What if instead of worrying about hidden out-of-pocket costs, insurance coverage, and access to medical records, you could book an appointment with the doctor of your choice in any location based on trusted reviews, know upfront what the cost will be, and be assured that your medical records will be accessible? 

WELL is hoping to make those ideas a reality through its curated global network of healthcare providers. Just like Airbnb reshaped the way we travel, shifting the power away from large hotel chains and putting it in the hands of both travelers and individual hosts, WELL wants to change the marketplace for healthcare, shifting the power away from large insurance companies and into the hands of patients and individual providers. By following the Airbnb model, WELL is aiming to create greater transparency and more access, providing patients with real choice and allowing healthcare professionals to determine their own pricing.

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