Founded in the year of 2014 by Jared Tate, Digibyte is one of the older crypto project. Digibyte is a crypto that devoted itself in speed, decentralization and security. Unfortunately, despite the fact that it has been under development for more than 4 years now, the project is still relatively unknow. During the time of writing, Digibyte ranked the 42th place among all available crypto project in terms of market capitalization. It has a total circulating supply of 11,310,128,072 tokens (DGB) which contribute to a total market capitalization of 113,276,256 USD.

The developers of Digibyte boast about the features of Digibyte. They claimed that not only it is better than its elder brother, Bitcoin in terms of decentralization , it is also significantly faster and more secure. They also boast about the fact that Digibyte is the longest running blockchain in the world. Digibyte is a decentralised digital asset and it is also an open-source based blockchain platform. Open source means that anyone and everyone can participate in building the project and constantly evolving the platform. In order to avoid centralization and eliminate the chances of the network being subjected under 51% attack, Digibyte utilises a multi-algorithm approach where they create multiple different proof-of-work (POW) method as well as increasing the mining capacity and hence, the accessibility to DGB mining pools.

The fact that Digibyte is an altcoin leads to the fact that its token pricing is closely related to the performance of Bitcoin as well. Digibyte is much more of a second generation blockchain project (Blockchain 2.0). It possess a 3 layers blockchain network which are able to separate smart contracts , processing as well as decentralized applications (dapps). On top of that , Digibyte also comes equipped with cross-chain compatibility, which makes it a very strong competitor in the blockchain community. Being extremely useful as both crypto assets and blockchain platform, Digibyte is undoubtedly a precious gem in the world of crypto/

There isn’t any Digibyte Whitepaper available for download right now. However, we have provided link to its main website where it covers information that is expected to be found in a whitepaper.

Click Here
