What is an ERC20 Token? A Complete Overview

Everything a beginner needs to know

Trading in cryptocurrency is the new big thing, with the huge digital wave of cryptocurrencies and the advancements made in blockchain technology. Some researchers believe that in no time, cryptocurrency has become a stronghold in the global financial market, the good news is that there seems to be no end in sight for the crypto market trend. If this technological advancement and digital expansions persist, cryptocurrency market would be reaching even the masses.

Ethereum is gradually gaining popularity in the crypto market, coming in second immediately after the bitcoin, however, while the bitcoin very simply operates as digital money, the Ethereum operates in the form of smart contracts and programmable digital money. “One unique feature of the Ethereum is that the Ethereum operates a platform that allows users create any random smart contract like the very common smart contracts that can be used to signify digital assets often referred to as Ethereum tokens” (The Coinbase Blog, 2017). 

To simplify this, imagine the play store app, on it, you can get several apps, each app. However, operates with different rule, you could transact with coins within one app for instance, now, take out the play store, and you have very random apps that have different currencies for transacting within them. Unlike any other digital currency, Ethereum can be viewed as a digital currency community, rather than a single currency, with Ethereum, anyone can make the most out of blockchain technology (Blockgeeks, 2017).

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