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Essay writing can be as mentally painful as it is intimidating. All of the teachers will give you homework according to the subjects they teach at your school, and none of them will want to hear how you are already burdened with loads of homework from other teachers as well. They will probably also be charged with the stress of covering the syllabus. Essays summarize the entire chapter or a topic into a single thing you would have to learn, instead of finding one problem or the other individually. You can contact any reliable best essay; for example,, the services they provide students can be relied upon to get good grades in exams. Here are a few tips you can follow to write a fantastic essay: Choosing and outlining: Pick a topic that you deem best in your thoughts and opinions, read once or read twice, consult a friend, a parent, or a teacher. Then sit down and focus on the subject. Once you are done with thoughts and have started writing on the essay, it is best to outline the main points of your essay; in that way, you would be concentrating on precisely those points and would be able to write better considering the importance of those points. Or you can write your essay in parts, which will be more appreciated if done well and right. Start by the topic’s name as the main heading of your article. Give the necessary statistics of your essay, formulate the point of your essay, by explaining the purpose of the topic briefly or in a short paragraph. All of this information will consist of the body of the article. It is something called ‘thesis statement,’ which will give the reader an idea of what the essay is about. It is necessary to write the thesis in such a way that it can explain the whole point in a single sentence. Body: The body of the essay acts to support the point of your article. When you have a topic to discuss on, you research on it to justify it in front of your teachers. The notes you write after researching in your essay to defend the point and nature of the problem mentioned in the thesis are called the body of the article. The first paragraph should explain the details of the thesis, examples from the internet, from counselors and friends that serve to justify the point of the argument. Second and third body: Similarly, in second body and third body paragraphs, start by subheadings and sub-topics within topics, that should begin by the name and nature of the problem being discussed and gradually getting on the things it is affecting. Which is also leading to many other issues, for example, terrorism. Conclusion:  And last but not least, discuss the outcomes you came upon during your research and your thinking on the problem. By writing the end. You find yourself moving again, towards the central thesis of the essay. Writing a conclusion echoes your argument and gives it more recognition. You do not have to write a 500 words conclusion. More than 4 or 5 sentences will serve to explain the point of the essay as supported by the body of the essay.