List of Top Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency Forums Across the World

If you’re a cryptocurrency trader then you know that some of the best information you can get out on the market is from other people just like yourself. Raw, unbiased, and based upon real world experience, swapping stories with other traders about gains, losses, upcoming ICOs, and more is just part of the trade and is found in most every financial system.


Luckily there are forums out there on the Internet to consult with other traders just like yourself and learn more about this nascent industry. But there are a ton of them and not all of them focus on the same things. Some are more broadly based than others but even factors like the global audience attracted to these forums means that some people will find them more useful than other people will due to the differing laws surrounding cryptocurrency around the world.


In this article we’re going to give you a list of the top cryptocurrency/ bitcoin forums out there on the Internet as well as a brief introduction of each to help you find the forum that is right for you.

No matter what forum you use, and even if it isn’t in your native language, there is a veritable wealth of information out there about cryptocurrency trading of which you should take advantage. Even if you don’t speak the primary language of the forum you’ve visited, consider a browser add-on like Google translate and see what you can glean from the translation the bot spits back at you. After all, information is power and good info is still solid no matter the language.

Before we dive in, remember to join our new forum here as well on!

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