The unconventional application of cryptocurrency- Crypto Games

Unlike traditional video games, crypto games offer the possibility of creating unique items associated with a token on a blockchain.

At this time worldwide, people are invited to stay home safe as a precautionary measure against the COVID-19 pandemic. The health suggestion is undoubtedly transforming the dynamic that is being experienced, both for adults and for infants, and in the interest of success and collaboration all together to combat the spread of the coronavirus, blockchain technology is present and offers solutions.

This ecosystem has a lot to offer and surprises those who believe that this field moves only the fields of finance, investment, or handling of currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Unlike traditional video games, crypto games offer the possibility of creating unique items associated with a token in a blockchain.

In addition, thanks to the qualities of this technology, the movements or history of each player and their development in the game are saved and protected.

For example, let’s think about a sword in an RPG game from which every movement, according to the experience accumulated by each player, is protected indefinitely. That sword and its unique and unrepeatable route is registered, even when it changes hands among other players. Thanks to the properties and functions of the Blockchain, you can even transfer the items and skills of a game to others.

Below we mention some crypto games to entertain you in this forty.

Crypto Games ready to discover


CryptoKitties is considered in the crypto community, among other definitions, as a classic, or a game that focuses on cooperation.

It is based on each player acquiring and adopting a “virtual cat” that, of course, will possess unique characteristics. These cats cannot be replicated or destroyed and are linked to a token in the Ethereum chain.

Cheeze Wizards

Cheeze Wizards is another option, created and developed by Deeper Labs with Blockchain technology, whose characters are made of cheese.

Some specialists define it as a battle royale game, built with emerging technology. They also describe it as a strange game, competitive and that promotes the approach of a single winner.

Bitcoin Tap Tap Mine.

Bitcoin Tap Mine is a highly recommended game for leisure and clicks fans; it’s about spinning a wheel to win great Bitcoin prizes, or tapping the tap to win free bitcoins. It allows you to collect Bitcoin donations.

Let’s play

To keep the COVID-19 pandemic from affecting mental and emotional health, health and psychological specialists, among other fields, advise encouraging family relationships and healthy distraction at home.

Therefore, providing such entertainment options while completing this exceptional and evolving challenge is valid.

The only thing that should be done is to investigate which game is the most adapted to the tastes of the interested party and proceed to enjoy it.

You should check here for more crypto-related games and other games to keep you entertained during this period.

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