Artificial Intelligence Startup PowerBrain.Shop® Launches Token based Crowdfunding Public ICO

Next-generation Artificial Intelligence Startup PowerBrain.Shop® announced its new AIPBS token release on Ethereum Blockchain to be traded by investors on the open market

Eindhoven, April 15, 2019 /PowerBrainShop/ — PowerBrain.Shop®, the Artificial Intelligence software Startup company founded by Samuel T. Stähle and Christian Kramer, today announced it has joined forces with distinguished software industry leaders to advance mass market adoption of Artificial Intelligence by developing AI PowerBrains™ and offering the new AIPBS native cryptocurrency token based on Blockchain technology as PowerBrain.Shop®’s crowdfunding and payment option of choice.

Earlier today, the AIPBS smart contract was officially deployed to the Ethereum Blockchain where cryptocurrencies are enjoying a bull market run. It makes PowerBrain.Shop® the very first Artificial Intelligence (AI) Product Development and Training Platform to issue its own cryptocurrency for seed funding. AIPBS is going to be used to pay for artificially intelligent ‘thinking’ of its revolutionary AI PowerBrains™. These are standard-of-the-shelf AI software products specifically designed to meet the needs of AI use case scenarios of solution providers and embedded system manufacturers addressing mass market applications such as Internet of Things (IoT), digitalization and industry 4.0, public safety, medical, robotics and various others. Unparalleled in their flexibility, AI PowerBrains™ will be integrated with Blockchain and Quantum Computing technology while running in a very portable and scalable fashion in embedded systems, as well as industry servers and cloud computing systems.

Numerous embedded system manufacturers, Drone and IoT solution providers from around the world have already agreed on co-operating and adopting AI PowerBrains™ in their solutions, with a growing list of adopters to follow.

For many Crowdfunding participants, the AIPBS token sale via Public ICO will be their first opportunity, to read a software startup company’s Whitepaper or interact with a Token such as AIPBS. However, for all investor types, particularly the ‘Main Street’ investor, participating in the growth of the latest technologies in the Artificial Intelligence market place creates exciting opportunities. “In Silicon Valley we have learned that in order to combat risks in new crowdfunding investments, public ICO investors look for symbols of safety, validity, technical expertise, trust and confidence among both issuers and investors to thrive; something that our senior European team of industry top-talents and veterans with excellent networks into the public and private sector can completely satisfy” says Samuel T. Staehle, founder and CEO of PowerBrain.Shop®.

“PowerBrain.Shop® is building the next revolutionary milestone in mass market adoption of Artificial Intelligence, encapsulated in portable and scalable AI PowerBrains™ for our customers world wide” says Christian Kramer, co-founder and CTO. “The company is now looking to attract investors and run its crowdfunding phase until end of September 2019. By then we will hit the ground running.” As Samuel pointed out, the mass market adoption of AI is going to become the main disruptor of various industries and market places over the next decades – with AIPBS as trading element becoming a core part of this megatrend.

© POWERBRAINSHOP Holding Corp., 2019


Peter Hohlwegler
Marketing Manager
Bonn, Germany


About POWERBRAINSHOP Holding Corporation

PowerBrain.Shop® is a fast-growing software vendor with a European team and a global footprint, developing the next generation product development and training platform for Artificial Intelligence and powerful AI software ‘brains’ – its AI PowerBrains™. It pushes through the impossible by enabling the next disruptive step of the mass market adoption of AI by advancing easy AI development, training, validation and quality assurance, deployment and monitoring at various use cases scenarios across different industry verticals, businesses and organisations. As thought leader in Artificial Intelligence, we partner with those who move the world forward.

For more information, follow us at www.PowerBrain.Shop and on LinkedIn.

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