Eve of Bull Market Run, New Currency King UBI Rises from Dark Web.

As Bitcoin approaches halving, it brings with it market recovery on prices and the sentiment has flowed on to other cryptocurrencies. According to analysts, there were a number of halving events and some of these currencies have tripled in price.  It is expected that prices will rise for half a year.

People who have experienced the 2017 bull market cycle are aware that soaring cryptocurrency prices brings impressive wealth opportunities. Since then, the story of overnight financial freedom is still legendary.

The sluggish bull market run has started.  How can we find a valuable coin in the bull market, and which coins will skyrocket in value?

UBI, a mysterious project whose origin comes from the Dark Web.

To be a truly valuable blockchain project, it must be decentralized driven by both technical factors and community sources. The UBI project is a truly decentralized blockchain project. UBI concept came from the Dark Web that is initiated by anonymous developers. The system is independent from the project party control and is essentially a blockchain.

UBI is also known as Unconditional Basic Income. It is a direct financial aid that is regularly issued to users without any conditions and qualifications. It can help users overcome life’s uncertain predicament. It is believed that after labor is replaced by machines, humans can still enjoy life with freed up time and productivity.

UBI can provide two things namely a technology-based public chain and economic benefits.

What is UBI technology-based public chain? UBI is created for high-performance public chain. It is expected to have a high system throughput of Transaction Per Seconds (TPS) in the tens of thousands to serve a large number of on-chain transactions and data transmission. It is ultra-highly scalable to facilitate upgrades of the main network with rapid iteration of technology.

UBI uses a new iPOS consensus algorithm, namely the Intelligent Node equity proof of stake mechanism. UBI can be deployed to a large number of nodes with the help of global users. As a result, it will ensure decentralization and security of the main network operations. With the development of a distributed ledger in storage coupled with 5G network Internet of things, the UBI applications can provide top-level commercial services for users worldwide.

Economic benefits of UBI. These benefits are reflected by three key drivers given as unconditional income, incentivization by rewards and Intelligent Nodes. The main driver is unconditional income and it serves to satisfy the original aim of the project.

The first step to unconditional income is for the user to create an anonymous account in the UBI wallet, and to get a primary robot that qualifies for free activation.

After the robot is activated, it will generate fixed income every month. The more accounts are created, the more robots are given away, and more income will be accumulated  when the UBI income of a single account reaches 13 UBI coins, users can trade freely.

The free robots are entry level ones and there are more advanced robots. If users are not satisfied with their monthly income of the primary robot, they can also purchase an advance-level robot. (Note that robot purchases are based entirely using a smart contract transaction. UBI transactions can include user wallet to wallet transactions). Robots can earn an impressive amount of more than 30,000 UBI coins per month.

The second benefit is community invitation to join under referral rewards. The value of the UBI network is largely derived from growth in the communities. The effective incentivization of growing the community is through referral rewards. By recommending other users to join and activate their free robots, members will receive an income reward for their efforts. Direct and indirect recommendation can attract 5%, and 3% rewards respectively. When the number of referrals and computing device meets the minimum requirements, a mining can be setup to exploit the fourth level of incentivization. As a bonus, the advanced mines can get 20% of UBI’s entire network fee income as a reward.

The third benefit is the reward generated by Intelligent Nodes.

In the UBI main network, the important primary role and responsibility of Intelligent Nodes is transaction verification and block synchronization on-chain. UBI users deploying 1,000 UBI servers with minimum configuration parameters can become UBI Intelligent Nodes and will receive node rewards at the same time.

The UBI Intelligent Nodes term is 6 months, It has a total fixed income of 1600 UBI and an equivalent annualized return of 120%. The income is distributed to users daily.

Finally, UBI has released a three step work plan namely base, second base, and galactic empire. To be completed a plan to include a technical roadmap with goals of the community benefits and ecosystem. UBI is making an enviable spot in the blockchain space by using decentralized organization approach from the dark web, good income returns, strong technology and system blueprints.

Official website: https://ubiglobal.io

Telegram group: https://t.me/ubiglobal

Official twitter account: https://twitter.com/UBI76158439

Medium account: https://medium.com/@ubiserve8

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