Top 6 Potential Tezos Wallets To Store Your XTZ Coins In (Non-Official)

Cryptocurrencies have taken over the financial world by storm. The decentralization and control given to the general public have attracted many towards this new technology. 

On the Tezos network, decisions are made based on community consensus. Each and every Tezos holder will be able to vote for a particular development. Thus, there will not be any need for a hard fork of the main chain at all. In this on-chain governance mechanism, developers propose changes to the protocol. After the protocols have been listed, they are voted on by the Tezos holders. The protocol change with the maximum vote gets implemented on the network.

A cryptocurrency keeping users at the center of all decisions is something very hard to imagine. Yet, Tezos exists. However, one problem with Tezos is that there is no official wallet to store it in.

In this article, we are going to discuss some of the best 5 Tezos wallet option offered by third party to store your coins in.

Note: Some of the wallets are still in beta/alpha testing phase and doesn’t come with a lot of reviews. Please try out with smaller amount of fund  or consult the community before depositing larger amount in them.

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