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Can monero scale?

jackson Answered question August 13, 2018

Monero is an open-source tecgnology that is both secure and untraceable that is available to all.
Similar to Ethereum, Monero has a dynamic block size; meaning that Monero’s blocks can adapt depending on the needs and demands for transactions of the network. This flexibility is definitely a major perk. While Monero is not even close to facing network congestion problems yet, dynamic block size isn’t an end-all solution to scaling.
Hence, the Monero team is currently working on a scaling update called RuffCT; in theory, this update should make Monero transactions faster.
The new technological advancement in Monero is currently dubbed “RuffCT” by the Monero developers (even though Tim Ruffing is not the only one that authored the white paper). According to the proposal, RuffCT where CT stands for Confidential Transactions involves combining Confidential Transactions with sublinear ring signatures.  Successfully implementing this technology would mean that the ring signature sizes would expand to over 100,000. However, it remains to be seen if such a high number is technologically feasible.
Nevertheless, Ruffing advises Monero users to remain level-headed for the time being. At the moment, the larger the ring sizes, the more compact the signatures are. However, the computation time required to verify these “RuffCT” signatures are similar to how larger RingCT verification occurs right now.

jackson Changed status to publish August 14, 2018